Tree Planting Event 2024

Rooting for change.

Mittweida University of Applied Sciences is inviting students, teaching staff and employees to a joint tree-planting campaign. This campaign aims to actively contribute to environmental protection and bind CO2.

This initiative is organized by EURECA-PRO and RE-EURECA-PRO and supported by Volksbank Mittweida and Sachsenforst. We have around 1000 seedlings that we would like to plant on this day, which is why we can use all the support we can get. Tools and expertise will be provided by Sachsenforst. We will also provide a hot meal and drinks. 


What we provide:

  • Tools and equipment
  • Drinks and snacks
  • Opportunities to warm up and rest
  • Shoe washing station

What you need to bring:

  • Weatherproof footwear
  • Second pair of clean shoes when using the shuttle service


There are bus shuttles that run every 30 minutes from the canteen in Mittweida to the forest area and back (journey time approx. 10 minutes).

START: 9:30 | Last pick-up: 11:30

END: 15:00

It is possible to arrive independently.

Please register here to participate. You are welcome to choose a bus time slot, if you are unable to arrive independently. 


The exact location can be found here