Funding for research and Master's thesis in France at the Université de Lorraine

Funding for research and Master's thesis in France at the Université de Lorraine

Université de Lorraine, through its ORION programme, is calling for applications for Master Grants to strengthen partnerships of UL laboratories with its European and international partners

Since UL is partner in our EURECA-PRO Alliance, there are 6 grants reserved specifically for students from EURECA-PRO partner institutions.

This program is targeted for:

- students interested in doing a Master II level research internships (4 to 6 months) in one of the laboratories in UL. You can find the list of UL Laboratories here

- academics who could send students with the aim of developing co-tutored thesis with UL researchers.

Details (funding modalities, selection criteria, application and selection procedure, calendar) of the call are available here

Please note that it is the duty of the UL Master thesis supervisor to submit the application. Hence, the student must beforehand engage a dialogue with his/her potential supervisor at UL.

For any enquiries, please contact: