
Visit of the representatives of the CUT Bloemfontein: Internationalization, Career service, academic cooperation and student exchange

On Thursday 5th and Friday 6th September, the International Office welcomed a delegation from the Central University of Technology (CUT) in Bloemfontein, South Africa, to share and strengthen each other's international study and academic experience.

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New call for applications for the ‘EFR Future Scholarships - Green Hydrogen’ scholarship programme for Master's students

Green Hydrogen - Call for Applications and FAQ - DAAD

 Supported are German and international:

Master students

  • Study visit from 3 months
  • Master's thesis up to 6 months
  • Internship 2-3 months (Due to the programme duration until the end of...
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Global Updates Spring/Summer 2024

Please enjoy our Spring/Summer 2024 edition of the Global Updates Newsletter, because at RIT, we are always on to something amazing. Along with this edition, we’ve also attached information about an exciting upcoming program—a 4-day Master Class in...

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Study offers for refugees from Ukraine

Students from Ukrainian universities, who come as refugee to Hochschule Mittweida, may

  1. take part for free in the German language course of the Studienkolleg of Hochschule Mittweida in the town Chemnnitz or
  2. take part for free in the German...
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Support programmes for refugees with academic background

There is a raising number of support programmes for refugee-scientists from Ukraine.

The European Commission supports researchers from Ukraine to find accommodation and jobs and to help with the recognition of their academic degrees via EURAXESS....

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Das Foto schaut einem jungem Mann mit dunkler Hautfarbe beim Dialog Kontrovers Extra über die Schulter. Er filmt von der Zuschauertribüne mit seinem Smartphone in das TV-Studio, wo vier Personen auf dem Podium und eine zugeschaltete Person auf einem Bildschirm im Hintergrund zu sehen sind. Die Bildschärfe liegt auf dem Telefon.

Africa: Continent of the Future. Future of the continent.

This year's International Week at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences focused on Africa and cooperation with its neighbouring continent Europe.

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